I Am the Messenger Part 4 / Chapter 4 Summary

to feel the fear

  • The next day Ed pays Bernie a visit at the movie theater—he wants to know about the movies on the card: The Suitcase. Cat Ballou. Roman Holiday.
  • Bernie doesn't have all of those movies, but he's happy to dish about them anyway. Roman Holiday starred Audrey Hepburn, Cat Ballou has this guy named Lee Marvin in it, and The Suitcase was directed by Pablo Sanchez.
  • Ed's figured out his three names: Ritchie Sanchez, Marv, and Audrey.
  • He's freaked out because it's hard to be straight with your friends—he liked it better when he just got random names or addresses on the cards. Then it didn't matter as much… Now he's scared.
  • He wants to visit Audrey first, but he thinks there's a reason for the order of the names, so he goes to Ritchie's instead.
  • While he's spying on Ritchie, Daryl and Keith pay him a visit. They're joking and eating pies as usual.
  • The two hit men-clowns tell Ed he doesn't need to spy on his buddy—he already knows what to do. Huh?
  • Ed thinks about it for a moment, and then he figures out this whole thing is about truth.
  • It makes Ed feel a little sick. He's not sure he wants to tell Ritchie the truth about anything. Keith and Daryl scram, while Ed thinks about being all distorted and strangely shaped.
  • Ed picks up the Ace of Hearts. It's cold and sharp. Hint, hint.