I Am the Messenger Part 4 / Chapter 2 Summary

the kiss, the grave, the fire

  • It's time for the Christmas Eve feast at Ed's place. Everyone shows up except Marv, so they're all waiting for him, discussing whether he'll come or not.
  • Remember how he agreed that if dinner was at Ed's place he'd kiss that smelly old dog? Well everyone's betting he's backing out of that now.
  • When Marv finally shows up, all of them want to see him kiss that dog. He fights it at first, but eventually gives the Doorman a smooch and they all cheer.
  • Everyone's having a great time, and Audrey lets her boyfriend in—Ed points out that what she likes about this guy is that she doesn't love him.
  • After a while, Marv, Ed, and Ritchie head over to a big bonfire on Main Street; Angie and her kids there, and Angie buys Ed an ice cream.
  • This is Ed's first Christmas without his dad, and he thinks about his old man while he's at the fire, then he walks over to his dad's grave and thinks back to his funeral. He wishes he had spoken up about how his dad was a gentleman. Then he walks.
  • Eventually Ed gets home to find Ritchie asleep on his porch and Marv out in his car. Ritchie left his keys inside Ed's place. Then he asks if he can stay there tonight, saying he doesn't want to go home.
  • Sure, Ed says, take the couch. Soon Marv comes inside from the car and sleeps in Ed's bed, while Ed is out in the kitchen.
  • Before he goes to sleep, Ed thinks back on the aces. He's only got heart left which worries him.