I Am the Messenger Part 4 / Chapter 7 Summary

the secret marv

  • Ed visits Milla again and reads Wuthering Heights to her, even though the story bothers him. He likes Milla a lot though, so it's worth it—she's his favorite.
  • He considers the messages as he's walking the Doorman and thinks about how he was really afraid in the beginning, but is more courageous now.
  • Ritchie is still looking for a job, and when Marv gets wind of this, he makes fun of his friend. Everyone can see Ritchie is more than a little hurt by this, so Marv apologizes, even though it might be good for Ritchie to have a fire under him for once.
  • After the game that night, Ed speaks to Marv alone, and asks his friend for money.
  • Marv hesitates—big time. He can't give Ed the money because, well, he doesn't have it. Sure, he's got $40k and all, but it's locked away in an account—he can't touch it.
  • Ed doesn't get it. Why would someone do that?
  • Well remember that chick Suzanne Boyd that he used to date? Long story short: Marv's the dad of a two-year-old kid.
  • Um… that's some pretty big news. Ed asks about the kid, but Marv knows nothing, not even if it's a boy or girl.
  • Marv only knows where she ran away to because a friend told him, and he hasn't had contact with Suzanne at all since she became pregnant.
  • He explains he's been saving his pennies to give to the kid, and that he wants to make it to $50k so he has something to offer.
  • Ed says he's trying to pay off his guilt; then he offers to go with Marv to Suzanne's place.