Everneath Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For a moment, I mourned the loss of our simple friendship, and in that moment of grieving, I realized that Jules and Jack would be okay if I were gone for good. They would probably be better off than they were now. (19.68)

Nikki used to be super comfortable hanging out with Jules and Jack as friends. But when the three of them get stuck handing out flyers together for Nikki's dad's reelection campaign, it's pitifully awkward. It's a bummer to realize that your close friends would probably be better off without you.

Quote #5

He took a deep breath and held out his hand. "We got off to a bad start, but you're obviously a friend of Becks's." (20.18-19)

Even though Jack and Cole/Neal are vying for Nikki's attention, Jack's friendly nature wins out. He offers his hand to Cole/Neal and makes an attempt to become his friend. This is partly for Nikki's sake, but we also get the impression that Jack is a generally friendly dude.

Quote #6

"Enough, Becks. This is what friends do. Before we got together, we were friends, remember? The friendship is still there, isn't it?" (20.91)

When Nikki finally tells Jack the truth about Cole and the Everneath (well, part of the truth, anyway), she apologizes to him and says she'll handle Cole. But Jack's response is that he's in this to help, because they're friends after all. They've been friends for a long freaking time, and Jack thinks of them as still being friends, which is sweet.