Everneath Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Jack leaned forward. "Trust me, Becks. I know exactly what loving you looks like on a person. And he loves you." (20.107)

Jack thinks that Cole loves Nikki. Nikki doesn't think it's even possible, though, since Cole doesn't have a heart in his chest anymore and he claims to not be able to feel emotions. But according to Jack (who used to love, and may still love, Nikki), it's possible to see on someone's face when they love her. Do you buy it?

Quote #5

I wished I could talk to my dad like I had talked to my mom, but we never had that kind of relationship. Not because of anything either of us was doing. Sometimes the closeness isn't there.

It didn't mean I loved him any less. Or he, me. (22.12-13)

Nikki loves her dad, even though she's not as close with him as she was with her mom (before her mom died). Still, as she reflects here, having a different type of closeness in a relationship doesn't automatically mean there's less love in that relationship. And Nikki's love for her dad is a big factor in how she decides to act when she Returns.

Quote #6

Cole took a couple of deep breaths. "I want you. Whether we take over the throne or not. I want you in my life, and the only way that will happen is if you become like me. We shared a heart, Nik." He touched his finger to my heart. "Your heart is in me now." (25.82)

Cole has some super intense feelings for Nikki, especially since he claims to not be able to love or feel certain things. So what's the deal here? Does he actually love her? Is he capable of love? Or does he just want her companionship? Maybe he just lusts after her? Maybe it's some other form of love that only Everlivings feel? Man, this love stuff is complicated.