I Am the Messenger Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"They also seem to know me unbelievably well— almost as well as I know myself." "Yeah, but," Audrey begins, "who knows you real well, Ed?" And that's just it. "No one," I say. (1.Q.56)

Audrey is the one person whose opinion Ed seems to really value. Her idea that no one truly knows her part-time lover is surprising because everyone has someone who knows them. That's the thing with Ed. He's so routine that anyone can figure him out, but at the same time, even his closest friends aren't really sure who he is.

Quote #5

Just Ed. I turn. Just Ed walks on. Just Ed walks fast. He begins an attempt at a run. But he trips. (

Burn. Of all the insults Ed hears (and there are a lot), this one seems to cut him the deepest. Audrey calls him "Just Ed," which makes him feel about as useful as a Christmas tree in July. This is all anyone expects from him. Did you notice how he switches into the third person here, too?

Quote #6

For a second or two I'm lost. Inside those thoughts. Inside those people. When I climb back out and find myself still sitting next to Audrey, I answer her question. (2.4.36)

When Audrey is asking him about the cards, he thinks she won't understand why he's doing what he is, but even he doesn't really get it. He's so lost in his thoughts most of the time that he doesn't even talk to his friends about what's happening, and how he's changing.