I Am the Messenger Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We're still brothers, and who knows? Maybe one day. One day, I feel certain, we'll get together and remember and tell and speak many things. Things bigger than university and Ingrid. (4.3.36)

Point: Ed. He finally tells Tommy to get real when he pretends they'll be close suddenly. One of the ways Ed grows up in the book is gaining the courage to be honest with his family… well, sort of.

Quote #8

I hope the messages are good, I think, but something tells me this won't be easy. There must be good reason these three were left till last. As well as being my friends, they'll also be the most challenging messages I have to deliver. I can feel it. (4.4.23)

The fact that his friends' names were last means that Ed has been building up the courage for them. So if we were to put that another way, we might say that it was hardest for him to deal with people he truly cares about, because he's so scared in the beginning.

Quote #9

"That looks like a beautiful kid in there," I say. There are no shivers in my voice. This comes as a surprise, giving me the courage to continue. "Well, is she, sir?" (4.8.59)

Even Ed is surprised by his own courage in the situation with Marv and Suzanne's dad because he stands up for his friend like never before. There's a real risk of getting beaten up here (since we just saw Marv take a few punches himself), but there's also a burning desire for Ed to do something more for his friend than play in a soccer game.