I Am the Messenger Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It makes me think about all the people I've run into. What if they're all messengers, like me, and they're all threatened and desperate just to get through what they have to do to survive? I wonder if they, too, have received playing cards and firearms in their letter boxes or if they've had their own specific tools provided. (3.9.20)

After Ed's told he might not be the only one getting mysterious cards in the mail, he gives it some serious thought. If there are others, then Ed wonders whether no one is really deciding what to do by themselves. Perhaps everyone is following a series of cards and addresses to get from person to person. It just got real.

Quote #8

Yet I know it's futile. They do it because they can. Those words lap me a few times, and I know that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. For spades, this is the final trial I need to dig myself out of. We have to stay. (3.K.28)

Ed's not sure if he should chase after the people who left the message in the movie theater, but he eventually doesn't. We're not sure whether he even decides it's a bad idea, or just knows it's not what he's meant to do. Notice how he says it not where he's "supposed to be"? Ed thinks it's all up to fate.

Quote #9

"You are like he was," Keith enlightens me, "and just like him, you were most likely to die the same way— a quarter of what you could have been". (5.the end is not the end.71)

Daryl and Keith tell Ed that he was heading down the same path as his dad, and it didn't end pretty. We can get behind that. But we're not sure Ed needed to be controlled and sent all over the place just to make him think about his life choices.