I Am the Messenger Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are. (2.6.7)

Here Ed sees Lua and Marie kiss while watching their kids dance around with the new lights he bought them. It's so simple, and yet so important because Ed realizes he has nothing even remotely close to the joy they have. Yet it also makes him appreciate the love and beauty in people everywhere.

Quote #5

There are people everywhere, but nowhere. In each black space I find, I think I locate someone, but each time, the darkness thickens and that's all there is. Darkness. (3.K.32)

Okay, okay, this is really happening to Ed in the movie theater, but we like to think of it as a metaphor. He can't see all around him because he's not even sure who is in charge of his life anymore.

Quote #6

"It's been a great day," she tells me, and I can't help but agree. It has. It hits me that all along I thought I was doing this old lady a favor by spending Christmas Day with her. Walking out again in my casual black suit, I realize it's the opposite. (4.3.76)

Aw. It's touching and raw when Ed spends time with lonely old Milla. And not just because she's a sweet little old lady—it's also because she's a safe person for Ed to learn how to feel close to someone with, to practice accepting love and appreciation from.