I Am the Messenger Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"How would you feel if you had to be somewhere right now and didn't know how to get there?" He examines the question. He seems to be over the girl for the moment.

"Like missing the Annual Sledge Game?"

I allow him that much. "Okay."

"Well…" He thinks with all of him, rubbing his rough hand over the blond stubble on his face. That's how important the game is to him. "I'd always be imagining what's happening there, knowing I can't change it because I'm so far away." (2.6.42-45)

Ed and Marv are talking but about two different things here. Marv is concentrating on how important the Annual Sledge Game is, and Ed doesn't want to disappoint his buddy. On the other hand, all Ed can think about is the messages he's supposed to deliver, even if he doesn't understand how and why.

Quote #5

The guilt of this holds her down momentarily. It appears to be there constantly. Never far away, despite her love for them. I realize that nothing belongs to her anymore and she belongs to everything. (2.J.8)

Angie's got three kids and no support, so no wonder she's tired and overwhelmed, though that doesn't stop her from blaming herself for everything. She shows Ed that it's not just him whose life hasn't turned out the way he thought.

Quote #6

She's shaking her head at me now. I don't see it but feel the disappointment as I glue my eyes to the desk. I stare for a long time and actually feel upset that I've let this woman down. A few minutes later. I hear it. (3.3.38)

Ed imagines this in a dream, but it might as well be anyone in his life looking at him. After all, his mom makes no secret of the fact that he's one big old disappointment, so the woman could easily represent her. We get the sense that it isn't her or Audrey or anyone specific though, that it's more like it's everyone he's ever met.