I Am the Messenger Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But soon I understand why I feel like this— I deserve something. I'm going around fixing people's lives, even just for a moment or two. I'm hurting people that need hurting , when inflicting pain goes against everything that comes naturally to me. (3.4.58)

When he's with Audrey, Ed begins thinking about whether she could love him, and if he is owed that somehow. Yet again, he reads the situation wrong and kisses her before he can stop himself. It looks like that disappointing feeling won't be going away any time soon.

Quote #8

"You might not be the only one getting aces in the mail. Did you ever think of that?" (3.8.88)

We're pretty sure he's never thought of that. Love it or hate it, Ed is usually thinking of himself, and that's why he's sent on the missions in the first place. It seems like he's even disappointing the people sending him to deliver the messages in some ways too.

Quote #9

He said we'd just pack up and go, and look where we are, Ed. We're still here. I'm here. You're here, and just like your old man, you're all promise, Ed, and no results. You"— she points at me with venom—" you could be as good as any of them. (3.10.79)

We all know that Ed's mom has had her share of disappointment when it comes to her son, but her slams on the porch make it clear that a lot of them stem from his old man. It's hard for Ed to hear, but this is one of the things that makes him rethink the course his life is on.